"How to do well in a Job Interview": Junaed's Powerful Framework
From the course:
Ultimate Job Interview Masterclass: Secret sauce, Practical guideline and a Powerful framework
Today, I will share my framework, Junaed's framework, regarding how to do well in a job interview. I'm Junaed, working as a senior cloud software engineer. My framework has four steps.
1. Tell
The first step is to tell the interviewer about yourself.
Key points
When you go to an interview, the interviewer will first ask you, "Please tell me about yourself", or, "Please introduce yourself."
Many people just mention their name, where they are coming from, and where they studied, only this kind of information. That's wasting an opportunity!
You should tell about yourself in a way so that the interviewer understands that you are an ideal match for this job.
You should talk about yourself in a way that matches the job requirement. And you should also talk about some other things which are not mentioned in the job description but add a lot of value. I will share that with you.
How do I tell about myself in a job interview?
I utilize almost 10 minutes to tell about myself. That's because I have a lot of experience. But those who are fresher or mid-level might not have that much information. But you should talk about yourself, maybe for five minutes, even if you are fresher. I'll share a framework or template with you in my course so that a senior or an experienced person can use that template. I will also share a template for the freshers.
Tips for freshers
A lot of time, freshers ask, "What can I tell about myself in a job interview? I'm just a fresher. I don't have enough experience!" No worries. I'll share a template for both freshers and more experienced people. In my course, you'll find those two templates. So follow my course. I will also show practical examples of how I tell them about myself, so you can also take ideas from that.
2. Discuss
Next point is Discuss. You have to discuss a lot of things during the interview.
I had a very wrong concept regarding the interview. I thought that the interviewer would ask me questions like, "Can you do that? Can you do this?" A lot of things. And he will try to find out my skillset. He will try to find out what I'm good at and bad at.
But in the interview, it is my job to convince the interviewer that I'm a perfect match for this job. So I will show him that I have a lot of knowledge. I will show him that I have a lot of experience, proving that I'm the person they're looking for. I can deliver the job.
I'll show my depth of knowledge and my breadth of knowledge.
Depth of knowledge
It is very important to show that I have deep knowledge in some areas related to this job.
Breadth of knowledge
It is not possible to have in deplth knowledge in every area, but I have to show that I know a lot of things at least on the surface level.
This discussion is also very important because I will have conversations with my colleagues in real life. I will not jump into a problem directly. So this discussion shows that I will be a good team player, I will be a good colleague as well, and I can also think clearly.
To find out which skill are important for this job
Another aspect is before you go into an interview, you read the job description, and it mentions so many things. And If you want to highlight everything in a job interview, then it's not possible in a one-hour interview, right? So you have to focus on the key points and the most important things for this position. It's tough to guess, right?
For example, if you are a software engineer and read the job description, many things are mentioned there. But When you go into an interview and start discussing with them, you may find that their need is to have a senior member who can mentor other colleagues can guide the team. So, in that case, you will start focusing on the qualities that you can guide a team and mentor the team. Or if you find that the software has a lot of bugs and they want to stabilize the software's codebase. That means they want someone who can refactor the code, do a lot of debugging, go very deep, and write clean code. In that case, you will focus on those areas. In the interview, you will discuss with the interviewer, and you will try to find out what's their most pressing problem, then you can focus on that you know those things. Another thing is you should drive the discussion toward your strength point because if the discussion or the questions goes in one direction where you don't have that much expertise, you will look kind of... I don't know, you will not look so good in the interview, right? So you should drive the discussion in the direction where you have much more strength.
In my course, I will show you how to drive the discussion. I'll give you some tips so that you can drive the discussion towards your strength and how to discuss and find out what are the most important things for this position. You should also try to learn about the company. Learn about the team because, in the end, if you get a job offer, you will decide whether you will join this company or not. You should try to collect as much information as possible about them as well.
So, how to do those things, drive the discussion, and prove that you have that knowledge? I will show those things in my course in detail. Here, I am only covering the framework's steps, so I'm not going into much detail. But no worries, in the course, I'll have a step-by-step guide and the questions you can ask, and a lot of examples.
3. Ask
Ask good questions at the end of the interview. At the end of the interview, the interviewer will ask you, "Do you have any questions for us?" Unfortunately, many people just say that "No, I don't have any question," or they ask some very trivial one or two questions, but that's not good. You should have some questions prepared. There are several reasons for this.
Remove their doubt!
Number one is to prove once again that you have all the qualities for this job. Even if you had that discussion, you had a one-hour-long interview; the interviewer might not have complete confidence in you. You should ask some questions, and with the answer to those questions.
To find out some essential qualifications and to show that you have those
I'll show you which questions to ask them and answer in a way so that you can prove that you have those core skills!
To decide if you want to join this company if you get an offer!
Another thing is, if you get a job offer from this company, you have to decide whether you will join this company or not. Is it a good match for your career path? You also have to get a lot more information about themselves. You should ask a couple of questions to understand: does this company match your career plan or not? I'll show you which questions to ask in my course in detail.
In my course, I have discussed in detail which questions to ask and how to respond after asking those questions.
4. Show your motivation
The last part is motivation. You have to show that you are highly motivated for this company or the project or the challenges they're facing because if you are not motivated, that means if you join the company, you might leave very soon. The company wants someone motivated to solve these challenges and problems and motivated for this position or the company. So you have to show that you are motivated.
On the other hand, even if you are a very good fit for the job but fail to show your motivation, you might not get hired! So, how can you show your motivation? I'll cover that in detail in my course.
As I said before, here, I'm covering only the framework. I'm not going into too much detail. But in my course, I'll discuss all the points in much more detail. I hope to see you there. Have a nice day.
5. Show your confidence
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Ultimate Job Interview Masterclass: Secret sauce, Practical guideline and a Powerful framework udemy.com/course/ultimate-job-interview-mas..